Course curriculum

    1. An Important Message From Your Instructor

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin...

    1. The Why: My Story

    2. How the Self is Defined

    3. The Aspects of the Self

    4. Name Yourself

    5. Module I: Test Your Learning

    6. Module Question

    1. The What: Recognize, Rescind and Redirect

    2. Shift Your Focus - Three Important Questions

    3. Self-Love Suggestions

    4. Module II: Test Your Learning

    5. Module Question

    1. The How: Make A Solid Commitment

    2. Heal Old Wounds With Yourself

    3. Never Stop (Starting Over)

    4. Module III: Test Your Learning

    1. Congrats!

    2. Before you go...

About this course

  • $297.00

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